1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the kinky.business moderators.

  1. Exclusively 18+. Zero tolerance for underage or otherwise illegal content.
  2. Keep everything here consensual. No exceptions.
  3. Do not flood the server with posts. No more than a small number of pictures in rapid succession. Violating it will get you silenced or suspended.
  4. If you're posting a picture that's not yours, attribute it correctly. We like original content (text, pics, etc.) 100 times more than random porn off the Internet.
  5. Use sensitive media flag *and* content warning (CW) for NSFW media. No full-on nudity in avatars.
  6. Respect each other, absolutely no hate speech
  7. You're here to *be* here - the main purpose of an account on this instance should be to contribute to the community, not advertising a business or directing traffic elsewhere. Any advertisements should be unlisted or follower only.